Auction School: Western College of Auctioneering is not currently an approved auction school in the State of Georgia.

State Auction License Required: Yes

State License Required for Online-Only Auctions: Yes

Minimum Age: 18

School/ Apprenticeship Required: Yes

Bonding/Insurance Required: $150 to Recovery Fund

Licensing Period: Two years, expires February 28 of even years

Continuing Education: 8 hours every two years

Fees: Application $200, Renewal $150

Reciprocity: The Georgia commission does not maintain an official list but looks at individual states’ requirements when making a decision on reciprocity. Application required.

State Auctioneers Association:

State Real Estate Contact:

State Agency Contact:

Georgia Auctioneers Commission

214 State Capitol

Atlanta, GA 30334

(404) 424-9906

*Courtesy in part of: The National Auctioneers Association